Thursday, August 6, 2009

Educating Parents

(This is an in depth blog on section B of Effective Children's/Family Ministry)

I can say from first hand experience that parenting is not easy. I have only been a dad for 16 months now and I think every day I learn something new. Sometimes, I think we learn from peers who are parents, other times from radio broadcasts or books, and also from mentor couples who have "been there done that."

So, where should the church enter into this game plan of parenting. The crazy thing is that the core of all spiritual growth of a child will come from the parents. From what we read to our children, what we allow them to watch on TV, what we teach them about faith, and what they see in our actions (NO pressure or anything, parents.)

Let me be the first to say that no one is going to be perfect and I don't think that a "sin natured child" is going to learn from a perfect parent. The child needs to learn the skills of problem solving, communication, and anger management. Have you ever told your spouse, you act just like you mother! If you have you probably won't ever say it again. But, there is much truth to this . . . we emulate what our parents did to a certain extent (this can be good or bad.) Parents should probably learn how to see their parenting in God's eyes not necessarily how our parents raised even though they may have given us some great skills. God is our ultimate judge not our thoughts, feelings, friends, the church, or parents.

Anyway back on track here . . . what is the church's role. A strong support system. A group of people all seeking God's will in their parenting lives and sharing scripture, experiences, and spending time together in prayer.

I won't list all the programs I believe will be most effective, just let me say that every phase of bringing up children has its own battle from toddlers to adolescence. Having a mentor couple, weekly prayer with other moms and dads, and classes available for all stages would truly be a blessing to all parents. And might I add that whether our church supplies these classes/programs or not, all parents should seek out Godly friends and family to help them through finding God in every tough circumstance.