Friday, April 30, 2010

The Church

For the last several months, the idea of "the church" has changed in my perspective. We grow up knowing church to be this place we go and learn about Jesus, have a bagel or 2, then go to lunch afterward. As humans tend to do, we, give a physical portrayal to something that has a greater meaning.

In 1 Corinthians Paul writes about "the body" and how it has many parts. That "body" is the church. What we all need to know is that the church is a community of believers...and not just that! The church is a body of believers that is striving toward attaining the goal of spreading the good news to the ends of the earth!

Too often I know that myself, and others, get caught in the idea that church is one of 2 things. 1. a building 2. A community of believers that does whatever the pastor says. So what should we be focusing on? As Romans says, we are all sinners and we fall short of the glory of God!! Because of Jesus we have been redeemed and others can find joy, peace, and assurance in our divine, holy, God.

Last week I told the Kids at RVC how that if we were real sick with cancer and found the cure for this cancer we wouldn't just keep it to ourselves...We would spread it to our families, friends, other people with the disease, across the world!!

As a person on staff at a church I know that my role is not to tell others what to do, but, to tool people with resources and work together to be effective ministers for our great God! Even deeper, as a children's leader, I hope to help tool families to effectively minister to each other and those needing the cure of Jesus Christ.

A church "staff" and families need to become one unit in raising and mentoring kids. It is our job to train kids just as much as reaching the lost...Our kids are born into this world as sinners and it is our duty as church and family to guide them to Christ.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Elementary Minisry

Once again God has led us on a new journey. This time it is just as my blog page is titled "Mission Field at Home." River Valley Church in North Fresno has given us the opportunity to share God's call on our lives of encouraging and teaching elementary kids and their parents. I hope to have weekly blogs up for parents, kids, leaders, and anyone else interested.

The hope I have for this blog is to unite families to their kids and the church so that we can cohesively work as a team church, parents, and kids to change the world we live in. It is so exciting to be a part of RVC and the clear mission of growing, living, and reaching.